Becoming a Man

Aragorn_headerWhat does it mean to be a man?

Let’s take a look at one incredible king: Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

What in Aragorn’s life makes him into such an amazing man?

  • He follows the counsel of leaders he trusts. Aragorn  trusted that Elrond had his best interests at heart and that Elrond would lead him in the right direction. He was humble enough to follow, instead of too prideful to listen to another man’s advice.
  • He loves his woman more than he loves himselfOnce Aragorn discovered what kind of danger Arwen was in, he cast away all the fears he had about being king, or the hard things he’d have to do, and instead promised to fight whatever he had to in order to keep her safe.
  • He sacrifices for his people. Aragorn wandered as a ranger for years avoiding what he knew eventually had to come – retaking the throne of Gondor. He didn’t ask to be a leader, but he saw that people needed him to be, so he put aside his fear and insecurity and did what he knew he needed to.

Is there another man whose story is similar to Aragorn’s? What about the father of all humanity?

Adam was living in paradise: no responsibilities, work, or trials. That is, until his wife found the only way to progress was to gain wisdom. Because Adam loved his wife, and  saw that there was more he should become, he partook of the fruit and descended into a world where he had to work and where bad things happen. Nevertheless, Adam had joy. (See Moses 5:10.)

These two stories have one important thing in common: both men saw that they were part of something bigger, and that only by putting aside selfishness and fear would they be able to rise up and be kings. You, too, can “put aside the ranger and become who you were born to be.”

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